Monday, January 5, 2009

Welcome Back!

Welcome to a new semester! Hope everyone enjoyed their break and had a safe holiday season. This semester is loaded with interesting subjects from world history including units such as Napoleon, Nationalism, Industrialization, World War I, the Russian Revolution and Totalitarianism! Right down your alley, I know!

Our first unit will be a continuation of the French Revolution although it's deserving of it's own unit. Over the next few weeks we will be discussing the life, rise to power and decline of Napoleon Bonaparte. His rise from soldier to commander to emperor is a tale like no other (ok, minus every leader in the Roman Empire). I think everyone will readily enjoy the unit. PBS published an excellent website covering his entire life. Take a look around if you have time!

PBS Napoleon Page


Anonymous said...

when are you posting the extra credit!

Student said...

i thihk we napolean was great leader bcause he was in ccharge and he did things his way and he focused on his work dahsaune williams